Friday, February 16, 2018

PLC and CoTeaching

PLC and Co-Teaching

Mary Katherine Elmore

                               A PLC is a professional learning community. This is a team that collaborates well together and helps design curriculum. This team is usually comprised of a teacher, administrators, students, counselors, and parents. PLC's are excellent tools to ensure that students are learning, to create a culture of collaboration, and to focus on results. Co-Teaching can help with creating new ideas, lowers student to teacher ratio, and can help with one on one time with students. There are five types of Co-Teaching, one teaching, one support, parallel teaching, station teaching, alternative teaching, and team teaching. In the video below it gives examples of each type of Co-Teaching.

Cooper, J. M. (2011). Classroom teaching skills (10th ed.). Belmonte, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage       Learning.

Alexander, C. (2012). Curry School of Education. Retrieved February 16, 2018, from            

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