Monday, April 9, 2018

Different Types of Learners

LGBTQ, ELL, and Low SES Learners

As teachers, we set the tone for the classroom right from the start. If we do not address students when they are bullying another kid, then we are saying that it is okay to bully other students. We have got to stand up for these students, but most of all it is the LGBTQ students that get bullied the most and no one stands up for them. Here are some scary statistics:
63% of students who were harassed did not report their incidents to school staff for fear it would become worse
34% of students who did report said staff did nothing in response
Queering Education. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2018, from 

We, as teachers need to become more aware of ELL students because there are more and more students that are ELL students. One way you can support them is by labeling your classroom and adding pictures to specific words, so that they can make connections. 
Integrating ELL Students in General Education Classes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2018, from

Also, as teachers we need to be aware of ways to help and support Low SES learners. These students need us more emotionally than other students will. These students have usually been through more than any of the rest of our students will. Kentucky has some of the most poverty stricken counties in the country. Education is a way for these children to escape their home life for a couple hours. 
Helping Low-SES Students Thrive. (2016, July 13). Retrieved April 10, 2018, from

All teachers need to have professional development training's to understand and know how to handle these students and situations correctly. These websites give teachers ways to include them in the classroom and advice on things to do in your classroom to make it welcoming. 

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